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Continuous wrist blood pressure measurement with ultrasound

Weber, Sarah; Scharfschwerdt, Peter; Schauer, Thomas; Seel, Thomas; Kertzscher, Ulrich; Affeld, Klaus

Blood pressure is an important parameter for the development of cardiovascular disease. By monitoring the blood pressure over 24 hours hypertension can be detected and treatment can be started. A new noninvasive long term blood pressure measurement method measures the blood pressure continuously on the wrist using ultrasound, a small balloon and a controller. The pressure is controlled with a voice coil actuator. The wrist blood pressure changes during motion. These movements are assessed with a water filled tube to calibrate the measurement to aortic blood pressure.
Published in: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik, 10.1515/bmt-2013-4124, De Gruyter
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