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An evaluation of building sets designed for modular machine tool structures to support sustainable manufacturing

Peukert, Bernd; Saoji, Mihir; Uhlmann, Eckart

The modularization of machine tool frames is an approach when designing new machine tool structures in a sustainable context. By integration of microsystem technology and designing lightweight modules, a smart alternative to conventional machine tool frames is developed. In previous studies, this concept has been evaluated along with a compilation of the possible use-case scenarios and the potential benefits from using modular electronics. In the presented paper, the geometric requirements from the selected use-case scenarios for machine tool structures are identified by dividing the structures in their ideal mechanic equivalents. A set of rules is developed driven by the generalized geometric requirements of the machine tool frames. Three different approaches of polyhedral building sets are shown and evaluated for their merits based on criteria of geometric functionality and sustainability. Finally, a prototypical modular portal frame is presented for the proof of concept.
Published in: Procedia CIRP, 10.1016/j.procir.2014.07.175, Elsevier