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MINARGUS: Test tool for User Experience measurement and parameter modification within ADAS simulation

Auricht, Mark; Stark, Rainer

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems play a leading role in the revolution of vehicles; it has become a high priority for automotive industry and meanwhile is used in all automotive segments. In this paper, a tool is introduced, which allows capturing User Experience (UX) on the Model-in-the-Loop level (where only abstract models exist): MINARGUS. This solution allows direct feedback to other partners in the development process and, hence, allows a more efficient work relationship between system development engineers and test & validation engineers. The tool allows a connection between a simulation model and the measurement of physiological data in one environment. The Traffic Jam Assist system is used as an ADAS example in this paper.
Published in: Procedia CIRP, 10.1016/j.procir.2015.03.063, Elsevier