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Local memory-aware kernel perforation

Maier, Daniel; Cosenza, Biagio; Juurlink, Ben

Many applications provide inherent resilience to some amount of error and can potentially trade accuracy for performance by using approximate computing. Applications running on GPUs often use local memory to minimize the number of global memory accesses and to speed up execution. Local memory can also be very useful to improve the way approximate computation is performed, e.g., by improving the quality of approximation with data reconstruction techniques. This paper introduces local memory-aware perforation techniques specifically designed for the acceleration and approximation of GPU kernels. We propose a local memory-aware kernel perforation technique that first skips the loading of parts of the input data from global memory, and later uses reconstruction techniques on local memory to reach higher accuracy while having performance similar to state-of-the-art techniques. Experiments show that our approach is able to accelerate the execution of a variety of applications from 1.6× to 3× while introducing an average error of 6%, which is much smaller than that of other approaches. Results further show how much the error depends on the input data and application scenario, the impact of local memory tuning and different parameter configurations.
Published in: Proceedings of 2018 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO’18), 10.1145/3168814, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)