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Anxiety Symptoms in Spouses of Stroke Patients

Wilz, Gabriele; Kalytta, Tanja

Background: The aim of this longitudinal study was to investigate prevalence rates of anxiety symptoms in stroke patients’ spouses and associated factors. Methods: Data were collected from 114 couples upon the patients’ admission for rehabilitation as well as 1 year later and analysed with linear regression analyses. The Beck Anxiety Inventory was used to assess anxiety symptoms. Results: The results showed a high prevalence of anxiety symptoms at both time points of 28.9 and 27.6%. An association was found between spouses’ anxiety symptoms at both time points and their gender as well as spouses’ anxiety symptoms (at time 2) and patients’ perceived disability. Conclusions: Post-stroke rehabilitation process should include a focus on treating anxiety symptoms in patients’ spouses in order to prevent the development of stress-related disorders in this group.
Published in: Cerebrovascular diseases, 10.1159/000118375, Karger
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