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Kristallstruktur des „supramolekularen“ Quecksilber(II)chlorid-thiocyanat- Hexamethylentetramin-Addukts Hg(SCN)2 · 2HgCl2 · 2C6H12N4

Pickardt, Joachim; Gong, Gill-Taik; Röleke, Dietmar

Crystals of the adduct Hg(SCN)2 · 2HgCl2·2C6H12N4 were obtained from an aqueous solution containing 0.1 mol/l hexamethylenetetramine and 0.05 mol/l potassium thiocyanate and mercury(II) chloride. The compound crystallizes monoclinically; space group P21/n, a = 767.3(4), b = 1854.7(7), c = 872.5(7) pm, and β = 101.48(5)°. The structure consists of a net­work of chains -Cl-Hg-Cl-Hg- and -(Cl-Hg-)2NCS-Hg-SCN-(Hg-Cl)2-which share common Hg atoms and form distorted hexagonal and trigonal channels. The hexamethylenetetramine molecules lie in the hexagonal channels. They act as μ3 bridging ligands, forming bonds to two Hg atoms in a given layer, and an additional bond to a Hg atom a neighbouring layer.
Published in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 10.1515/znb-1994-0305, De Gruyter