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Barrier to Rotation about Sulfur-Sulfur Bonds in Homocyclic Sulfur Molecules

Steudel, Ralf

It is shown that the distances (d) of the 19 longest bonds in 9 homocyclic sulfur rings of type Sn (n = 6-20) depend on the torsional angles (τ) which vary between 0° and 140°. The function d = f(τ) is smallest for τ = 90-100° and largest for τ = 0°; the corresponding bond distance variation amounts to 13 pm or 6%. The height of the torsional cis-barrier is estimated from the enthalpy of formation of gaseous S7 as equal to or smaller than 24 kJ/mol.
Published in: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B, 10.1515/znb-1983-0502, De Gruyter