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[Book Review:] James S. Roberts, Drink, Temperance and the Working Class in Nineteenth-Century Germany, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1984

Grüttner, Michael

James Roberts has produced a book that will certainly attract attention. It deals with an area of German social history which is still largely unresearched at a time when interest in the history of every-day life in Germany has greatly increased. The work will serve to shatter some of the views that have been widely held by German historians, especially the widespread notion that working-class alcohol consumption in the nineteenth century was primarily an escapist reaction to the miseries and deprivations arising out of the process of industrialization. In fact, the book consists of two main sections; and whilst the first is principally concerned with the history of the German temperance movement, the second pays closer attention to the drinking behaviour of German workers and the attitude of German Social Democracy.
Published in: European History Quarterly, 10.1177/026569148601600307, SAGE Publications
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