Introduction: In this document, the characterization data of the reference materials (CEM I 42.5 R, limestone powder, calcined clay and a mixture of these three components) used in the second funding phase of the priority program 2005 of the German Research Foundation (DFG SPP 2005) are presented under the aspects of chemical and mineralogical composition as well as physical and chemical properties. The data were collected based on tests performed by up to eleven research groups involved in this cooperative program. The file contains the raw data, mean and standard deviation of the following measurements: Oxide composition; Phase contents; True density; Specific surface area (Blaine and BET); Particle size distribution and D-values; Water demand; Setting time; Mechanical strength; Isothermal calorimetry. Authors: U. Pott, C. Crasselt, N. Fobbe, M. Haist, M. Heinemann, S. Hellmann, D. Ivanov, C. Jakob, D. Jansen, L. Lei, R. Li, J. Link, D. Lowke, V. Mechtcherine, J. Neubauer, D. Nicia, J. Plank, S. Reißig, T. Schäfer, C. Schilde, W. Schmidt, C. Schröfl, T. Sowoidnich, B. Strybny, N. Ukrainczyk, J. Wolf, P. Xiao, D. Stephan. The data are part of a publication. As soon as the paper is published, a link to the paper will be added.