In the repository ( we provide temperature, suppression parameter and topography maps in ASCII format and stereographic projection centered at the pole of a sphere with radius 1737.4 km. The pixel resolution is 200 meters per pixel and map coordinates are given in kilometers. For each region we investigated in our paper we povide a zip file "[name of nsr].zip" containing the the following files: xyh_[name of nsr].ascii is a 3 columns file containg information about the topography (x [km], y [km], h[km]), suppression_[name of nsr].ascii is a 3 columns file containg information about the suppression paramter (x [km], y [km], eps [-]), maxT_[name of nsr].ascii is a 32 columns file containing information about maximum temperatures (x [km], y [km], T1 [K]...T30 [K]) at 30 different depths (see depth_profile.txt), avgT_[name of nsr].ascii is a 32 columns file containing information about average temperatures (x [km], y [km], T1 [K]...T30 [K]) at 30 different depths (see depth_profile.txt) Additionally we provide the depth profile file called depth_profile.txt which is a 1 column file containing information about the depth (d [cm]) of the 30 layers recorded in the maximum and average temperature files at each site.