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Hybrid van der Waals heterostructures of zero-dimensional and two-dimensional materials

Zheng, Zhikun; Zhang, Xianghui; Neumann, Christof; Emmrich, Daniel; Winter, Andreas; Vieker, Henning; Liu, Wei; Lensen, Marga C.; Gölzhäuser, Armin; Turchanin, Andrey

van der Waals heterostructures meet other low-dimensional materials. Stacking of about 1 nm thick nanosheets with out-of-plane anchor groups functionalized with fullerenes integrates this zero-dimensional material into layered heterostructures with a well-defined chemical composition and without degrading the mechanical properties. The developed modular and highly applicable approach enables the incorporation of other low-dimensional materials, e.g. nanoparticles or nanotubes, into heterostructures significantly extending the possible building blocks.
Published in: Nanoscale, 10.1039/c5nr03475b, Royal Society of Chemistry