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Maritime cognitive workload assessment

Miklody, Daniel; Uitterhoeve, Wendie M.; Heel, Dimitri van; Klinkenberg, Kerstin; Blankertz, Benjamin

The human factor plays the key role for safety in many industrial and civil every-day operations in our technologized world. Human failure is more likely to cause accidents than technical failure, e.g. in the challenging job of tugboat captains. Here, cognitive workload is crucial, as its excess is a main cause of dangerous situations and accidents while being highly participant and situation dependent. However, knowing the captain’s level of workload can help to improve man-machine interaction. The main contributions of this paper is a successful workload indication and a transfer of cognitive workload knowledge from laboratory to realistic settings.
Published in: Symbiotic Interaction, 10.1007/978-3-319-57753-1_9, Springer