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Survey Musik und Medien 2012: Audio Media Usage in Germany - Audio Sources - Audio Sources used in 2012

Lepa, Steffen

How do the Germans listen to music nowadays? Survey Musik und Medien 2012 delivers representative data on actual audio media usage of German population. These data allow the comparison of usage frequencies regarding new and old audio media technologies with reference to three separate domains of audio technology use: Audio Sources describe distribution channels by which music is purchased, archived and made accessible. The term Audio Devices refers to technical devices that permit access to and enable playback of Audio Sources. Audio Emitters finally comprise those technical objects that are connected to Audio Devices to make the Audio Sources actually audible.
  • Where did everyday music come from in 2012? Audio Sources describe those distribution channels by means of which music is purchased, archived and made accessible. This includes physical recordings (CD, LP, MC etc.), electronic services in terms of downloading and streaming of digital music (iTunes, last.fm, Spotify etc.) as well as traditional radio reception and last but not least musical content on websites or digital storage media.