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The legend of the circular tire: Creating a vision for a more resource productive tire business ecosystem

Diener, Derek L.; Nyström, Thomas; Mellquist, Ann‐Charlotte; Jonasson, Christian; Andersson, Simon

While the topic of circular economy (CE) has become more popular, tires are one example in which the market appears to be going in a more linear, less circular direction. In fact, the prevalence of tire retreading has decreased in Europe over the past decade. This paper presents a vision for a more circular tire business ecosystem and show that while there are resource and environmental gains to be had, achieving them will require significant changes to the system including both implementation of technical solutions and new ways of working. Moreover, these changes require efforts that may not seem motivated given the magnitude of gains considered in context with vehicle-level priorities. The case illustrates the conflict between norms of product longevity, achieving circularity and a circular economy tomorrow and those of achieving measurable improvements of environmental performance based on rules governing the linear economy today.
Published in: PLATE – Product lifetimes and the environment : 3rd PLATE Conference, September 18–20, 2019 Berlin, Germany, Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin
Published by ISBN 978-3-7983-3125-9