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Archetypes of Supply Chain Analytics Initiatives—An Exploratory Study

Herden, Tino T.; Bunzel, Steffen

While Big Data and Analytics are arguably rising stars of competitive advantage, their application is often presented and investigated as an overall approach. A plethora of methods and technologies combined with a variety of objectives creates a barrier for managers to decide how to act, while researchers investigating the impact of Analytics oftentimes neglect this complexity when generalizing their results. Based on a cluster analysis applied to 46 case studies of Supply Chain Analytics (SCA) we propose 6 archetypes of initiatives in SCA to provide orientation for managers as means to overcome barriers and build competitive advantage. Further, the derived archetypes present a distinction of SCA for researchers seeking to investigate the effects of SCA on organizational performance.
Published in: Logistics, 10.3390/logistics2020010, MDPI