Fekete, Sándor P.Köhler, EkkehardTeich, Jürgen2021-12-172021-12-1720002197-8085https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/handle/11303/15951http://dx.doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-14724We present a first systematic study on more-dimensional packing problems with order constraints. Problems of this type occur naturally in applications such as logistics or computer architecture. They can be interpreted as more-dimensional generalizations of scheduling problems. Using graph-theoretic structures to describe feasible solutions, we develop a novel exact branch-and-bound algorithm. This extends previous work by Fekete and Schepers; a key tool is a new order-theoretic characterization of feasible extensions of a partial order to a given complementarity graph that is tailor-made for use in a branch-and-bound environment. The usefulness of our approach is validated by computational results.en510 Mathematikschedulingmore-dimensional packingprecedence constraintsexact algorithmsinterval graphspartial ordersMore-Dimensional Packing with Order ConstraintsResearch Paper