del-Ama-Esteban, ÓscarSanz-Rodríguez, Sergiode-Frutos-López, ManuelDíaz-de-María, Fernando2017-03-092017-03-092009978-1-4244-4593-6 accuracy of the Cauchy probability density function for modeling of the discrete cosine transform coefficient distribution has already been proved for the frame layer of the rate control subsystem of a hybrid video coder. Nevertheless, in some specific applications operating in real-time low-delay environments, a basic unit layer is recommended in order to provide a good trade-off between quality and delay control. In this paper, a novel basic unit bit allocation for H.264/AVC is proposed based on a simplified Cauchy probability density function source modeling. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the average peak signal-to-noise ratio in 0.28 and 0.35 dB with respect to two well-known rate control schemes, while maintaining similar peak signal-to-noise ratio standard deviation and buffer occupancy evolution.en004 Datenverarbeitung; InformatikH.264basic unitbit allocationlow-delayrate controlA Cauchy-density-based rate controller for H.264/AVC in low-delay environmentsConference Object