Ayuso, DavidJiménez-Galán, AlvaroMorales, FelipeIvanov, MishaSmirnova, Olga2022-02-172022-02-172017-07-06https://depositonce.tu-berlin.de/handle/11303/16424http://dx.doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-15200Tunnel ionization of noble gas atoms driven by a strong circularly polarized laser field in combination with a counter-rotating second harmonic generates spin-polarized electrons correlated to the spin-polarized ionic core. Crucially, such two-color field can bring the spin-polarized electrons back to the parent ion, enabling the scattering of the spin-polarized electron on the spin-polarized parent ion. Here we show how one can control the degree of spin polarization as a function of electron energy and recollision time by tuning the laser parameters, such as the relative intensities of the counter-rotating fields. The attosecond precision of the control over the degree of spin polarization opens the door for attosecond control and spectroscopy of spin-resolved dynamics.en530 Physikspin polarizationattosecond physicsstrong laser fieldselectron–ion recollisionAttosecond control of spin polarization in electron–ion recollision driven by intense tailored fieldsArticle2022-02-111367-2630