Mahr, BerndHuanye, Sheng2020-06-112020-06-1120121436-9915 International Workshop on “Smart Systems and their Applications” is the ninth in a successful series of workshops that was established by Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Technische Universität Berlin. The goal of these workshops is to bring together researchers from both universities in order to present research results to an international community. The subject of the ninth workshop on “Smart Systems and their Applications” reflected the recent successes in complex intelligent solutions. The two universities have actively contributed to these, in their fundamental studies as well as in the development of real life applications. This became particularly evident in the invited talk by Ralf-Guido Herrtwich on “Cars and LTE: Beyond the Obvious”. Professor Herrtwich showed in his impressive presentation the path from research to market in smart systems applications in cars. The workshop was chaired by Prof. Zhang, Prof. Heiß and Prof. Mahr and was organized with the help of Prof. Möller from the Telecom Labs at TU Berlin. It showed the high level of quality and international relevance of research and development acquired by the two institutions. And it proved the success of twenty years of cooperation.en004 Datenverarbeitung; Informatiksmart systemscomplex intelligent solutionsapplicationscarsreal life applicationSmart Systems and their ApplicationsResearch PaperProceedings of the 9th International Workshop of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Technische Universität Berlin held in TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany, October 14-15, 2010