Brodt, TorbenHopfgartner, Frank2018-07-102018-07-102014978-1-4503-2976-7 the CLEF NEWSREEL lab, participants are invited to evaluate news recommendation techniques in real-time by providing news recommendations to actual users that visit commercial news portals to satisfy their information needs. A central role within this lab is the communication between participants and the users. This is enabled by The Open Recommendation Platform (ORP), a web-based platform which distributes users' impressions of news articles to the participants and returns their recommendations to the readers. In this demo, we illustrate the platform and show how requests are handled to provide relevant news articles in real-time.en004 Datenverarbeitung; Informatikexperimentationmeasurementperformanceinformation retrievalShedding light on a living lab: the CLEF NEWSREEL open recommendation platformConference Object