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Nickel as a co-catalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on graphitic-carbon nitride (sg-CN): what is the nature of the active species?

Indra, Arindam; Menezes, Prashanth W.; Kailasam, Kamalakannan; Hollmann, Dirk; Schröder, Marc; Thomas, Arne; Brückner, Angelika; Drieß, Matthias

The nature of a nickel-based co-catalyst deposited on a sol-gel prepared porous graphitic-carbon nitride (sg-CN), for photocatalytic H-2 production from water, has been investigated. The formation of the active catalytic species, charge separation and recombination of the photogenerated electrons and holes during photochemical H-2 evolution has been determined for the first time using in situ EPR spectroscopy.
Published in: Chemical communications, 10.1039/c5cc07936e, Royal Society of Chemistry
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