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Role-play based assessment of IPS2-specific intellectual capital

WewiĆ³r, Jakub W.

Due to the idea to offer costumer oriented products and services as Industrial product-service systems (IPS2) the interactions between provider and costumer become intensive. This is why IPS2 are mentioned as socio-technical systems. While having direct contact to the customer staff the provider employees must be able to fulfil cross-company interactions. The challenges of such an IPS2 relationship are to have the right set of competences and a useful amount of structures to handle intensive interactions and other organizational requirements. These challenges are classed with intellectual capital that characterizes intangible non-monetary values. The intellectual capital has an impact on the competitiveness of IPS2 and so there is a need for a method to assess intellectual capital for IPS2 relationships. In this paper an approach is shown to identify intellectual capital for IPS2 relationships during the IPS2 design. Also, the results of a first validation of the approach are presented that is done by a role-play- based case study.
Published in: Procedia CIRP, 10.1016/j.procir.2015.02.127, Elsevier