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Data: Crosslinking Mass Spectrometry in Human Mitochondria: From Data Analysis Strategy to in situ Biological Findings

Ryl, Petra Sabine Jutta

These Research Data belong to the homonymous Doctoral Thesis "Crosslinking mass spectrometry in human mitochondria: From data analysis strategy to in situ biological findings" from Petra S. J. Ryl. For more details on this metadata, please refer to the appendix of the dissertation. Just briefly, Table S1: Presented data originate from DSS crosslinked mitochondria (as published in Ryl et al. 2020). Table S2: Presented data originate from DSSO crosslinked mitochondria after proteome fractionation into soluble and insoluble proteome. Table S3: List of identified residue pairs after 5% FDR calculation on link- and PPI-level. Those data originate from DSSO crosslinked mitochondria after proteome fractionation into soluble and insoluble proteome. Table S4: List of identified unique peptide pairs after 5% FDR calculation on link- and PPI-level. Those data originate from previously published data in E. coli (Lenz et al. 2021).