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Supplementary Data - Carbon Balance Calculations for Schumacher Quartier in Tegel, Berlin

Dzhurko, Daria; Haacke, Ben; Haberbosch, Asta; Köhne, Linde; König, Nora; Lode, Frida; Marx, Antonia; Mühlnickel, Luka; Neunzig, Nina; Niemann, Annika; Polewka, Henrieke; Schmidtke, Lea Kalinka; von der Groeben, Pia Luz; Wagemann, Karl; Thoma, Farah; Bothe, Clemens; Churkina, Galina; Sack, Gudrun (Contributor); Wimmer, Simon (Contributor); Schubert, Sebastian (Contributor)

This dataset is the result of a research project at the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Urban Ecosystem Sciences, in cooperation with Tegel Projekt GmbH. The study focuses on the carbon balance of building materials. The dataset contains material specifications such as carbon content, global warming potential and weight contribution for four wood-based and two mineral-based typologies. Values are collected through literature research. The dataset is based on a potential building for the Schumacher Quartier in Tegel, Berlin. It provides insights into the carbon emissions and storage capacities of building typologies and their materials. It allows for a clearer examination of the impact of buildings and the built environment on the climate. This research work was supported by the Tegel Projekt GmbH through the student project “Forest, city & their carbon cycles” at Technical University of Berlin. Funding was provided to get insights into local forestry and timber manufacturing practices.
Dieser Datensatz ist das Ergebnis eines Forschungsprojekts an der Technischen Universität Berlin, Fachgebiet Stadtökologie, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Tegel Projekt GmbH. Die Studie befasst sich mit der Kohlenstoffbilanz von Baumaterialien. Der Datensatz enthält Materialkennwerte wie Kohlenstoffgehalt, Treibhauspotenzial und Gewichtsanteil für vier holzbasierte und zwei mineralbasierte Typologien. Die Werte wurden durch Literaturrecherchen ermittelt. Der Datensatz bezieht sich auf ein Beispielgebäude für das Schumacher Quartier in Tegel, Berlin. Er gibt Einblicke in die Kohlenstoffemissionen und -speicherkapazitäten von Gebäudetypologien und deren Materialien. Sie ermöglicht eine genauere Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Gebäuden und der bebauten Umwelt auf das Klima.
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Input and Output of Calculations - type of construction - building tyologyy - part - part of contruction (wall/ceiling/roof) - material - material name - grouped material - name of material group - scaled weight - material mass (tons per Schumacher Quartier) - scaled c storage - carbon storage (tons per Schumacher Quartier) - scaled c emissions production - carbon emissions from production (tons C per Schumacher Quartier) - scaled c emissions transport - carbon emissions from transport (tons C per Schumacher Quartier)

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Material Contributions - type of construction - building typology - building parts - part of contruction (wall/ceiling/roof) - material - material name - weight - material mass contribution (in tons per part and typology) - contribution of material to building part - share of material mass to builing part - contribution of building part to weight of whole building - share of part to building

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Material Specifications - category - describes whether the material is mostly organic or not - material - english material name - german material name - german translation of the material name - CO2 coefficient - global warming potential in kg CO2 eq. per kg of material (in min, mean, max for differing literature) - biomass fraction - organic fraction of material (weight by weight) - carbon ratio - share of carbon in organic fraction (weight by weight) - sources - literature claiming corresponding values - distance to nearest supplier - exemplary transport distance from nearest supplier
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